PEOPLE OF EQ – Deng Deng

23 Jun 2021

B Lucky & Sons

He once had to wear a Pegasus onesie for an entire day; after that, Deng Deng from B Lucky & Sons always made sure his uniform was clean, dry and ready for work.

Not that he actually hates wearing onesies – especially Pegasus. It’s all part of the job.

Deng Deng has been at B Lucky for just over a year now, tending bar, serving at reception, helping out with games and parties, and just generally making sure things run smoothly.

In his parallel life, Deng Deng is also an actor and film-maker and has worked professionally in film, theatre, commercials, short films, and music videos for the past seven years.

That kind of background and skill set comes in very handy at a place like B Lucky, and it’s one of the reasons Deng Deng loves working here.

“Generally I’m very energetic and love to play with different characters,” he says, “so it’s the fact that they let me be myself, my unique self, and bring that into the workplace. It’s actually very refreshing”

B Lucky & Sons is a games arcade, party venue, bar, and vintage store all rolled into one. It caters to families – from very young kids through to adults – during the day, then becomes a hot spot for over 18s after 8pm. Deng Deng enjoys the variety and challenges that come with meeting many types of people.

When young kids come in, he gets a kick out of hyping them up and getting them immersed in the games.

“It’s a new world for them, the arcade world.”

B Lucky offers a discount to people with disabilities and there are various groups who come in regularly. The staff get to know individuals by name and they’ll often share a chat and a laugh.

“Whether it’s from little kids to grown adults, we try to provide the best service we can to make sure they leave here with the best time of their life,” says Deng Deng describing the B Lucky ethos.

After 8pm, the place completely transforms.

“That’s when the party gets wild. The bar gets really busy and the arcade is just full.”

Some people come in for a drink and a few games before going out clubbing; for others, B Lucky is their night out. With loud music, great cocktails, and an arcade full of awesome games, there’s a lot of fun to be had here for grown-ups. Not only that, there’s the chance to win some terrific prizes.

The prize shop is a nostalgia museum with an amazing collection of vintage toys, games, apparel, and collectible items. You need to collect a certain amount of points to purchase your chosen prize.

“You just have to be very strategic about the games that you’re playing,” says Deng Deng. “I had a girl here once who was so close to her points… and she was determined.”

The girl had been playing all night and was not giving up until she reached her goal;  people started cheering her on.

“And she actually won!”

The coveted trophy was an older model Playstation.

Deng Deng really enjoys working at B Lucky & Sons, but also loves being in EQ with its cafes, bars, entertainment venues and of course, the film schools and studios.

“You’ve got a variety of stuff. You have all types of people and families coming in. There is a lot to do here.”

Go and say “HI!” to Deng Deng at B Lucky right here at The Entertainment Quarter.

B Lucky –

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